Fun Run 2025 – Booking

Please complete the following form to register for the Thrussington 2025 Fun Run.

The event is taking place on Saturday 1st March 2025 – The first race starts at 2pm.

Each entry to the Fun Run is £6 per person for the early birds – (excludes adults accompanying under 6’s)

The price will increase to £8.50 per person on the 14th of Feb – Entries will close at 12pm, on 27th of Feb 2025.

Please note that all payments are non-refundable. We will do our best to reschedule if the Fun Run has to be postponed due to adverse weather conditions.

If you have any further questions, you can reach out to us on the Contact Us page.

Conditions of race:

  1. Children aged 6 or under must be accompanied by an adult legally responsible for them, or by an adult selected by the person legally responsible for them. (No race entry required for accompanying adults)
  2. Clothing – Suitable clothing should be worn eg. In cold weather bring gloves. A dry change of clothing will be necessary after the race.
  3. Footwear – No spikes. Football boots or waffles (cross country shoes) recommended, or trainers.
  4. Village Hall – No muddy footwear allowed in hall.
  5. Medical Condition – If you or the person you are legally responsible for have a medical condition or ailment which requires medication, this is your responsibility and we advise consulting your GP before entering the run.
  6. I/we enter this run at my/our own risk and will not hold the organisers responsible for any accident or loss, however caused.
  7. The Privacy Policy is available on the race’s website and by entering this event you confirm you’ve read and agreed to the terms and conditions and consent to your information being held as explained in the policy (copies of policy can be obtained by emailing the race secretary) and that you are the competitor or the person legally responsible for the competitor if they are under 18 years of age.

Entries Are Now Closed For 2025